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Dragon Mama: The Monster Within

There is a dragon that lives within me. It lurks deep under the surface of my skin, waiting for opportune moments to break free and show its colors. No Mommies, I’m not talking about the beautiful, glorious, world conquering type Dragon Mama of “Game of Thrones.” I'm talking about the Dragon Mama that emerges when your toddler has used up the last shred of  motherhood patience you possess! It’s the creature that pops out after every bit of grace is gone. The one that makes you forget the last 10 “positive parenting” articles you read and turns you into a red faced, bug eyed, shrieking, hot mess. I consider myself a pretty patient person and parent. But perpetual exhaustion coupled with a toddler’s new found independence can really drive one to the edge, evoking a transformation from woman to beast.  Since becoming a Mama of two, my “patience bank” has become even more depleted, causing “Dragon Mama” to show her face a little more often than I would like.

In the last 2 weeks alone she’s appeared 5 times!  Picture this…

·       It's 100 degrees in the parking garage. You’re melting faster than wax on a candle stick. The baby is screaming because she doesn’t want to be in the car seat and of course you’re late! The toddler is throwing a tantrum because he wants to close the car seat all by himself... Out comes Dragon Mama!

·       Your toddler has just begun potty training and in an excellent attempt, runs to the potty to "do number 2" (he has already done it in his “Pullups”). Before you can put the baby down and run to bathroom to assist him, he has already begun "wiping" himself all.over.the.bathroom... Dragon Mama pays a visit!

·       Mr. Toddler has decided to let go of your hand in a crowded parking lot and take off running. Visions of all the possible terrible scenarios that could happen flash in your head ... Dragon Mama lands in all her glory for the whole parking lot to witness!

·       Little one has a 45 minute tantrum on a long car drive because he has taken off his shoes and wants them back on. You hang onto your patience for dear life, but by minute 44 it's about to go down... Transformation Dragon Mama in full effect!   

·       Your picky eater has been on a food strike for 3 days. You have been preparing all of his favorite foods with great effort for 3 days straight, hoping that he will eat even a few bites. On day 3 he continues to eat only Cheerios, refusing your homemade pizza, waffles or banana pancakes with hidden avocado and spinach… Dragon Mama rears her ugly head!

I hate this Dragon Mama creature. She is everything I don’t want to be. Her face induces wrinkles and her words are spoken harshly and loudly. She is emotional, irrational and desperate. She makes me disappointed and guilty. Luckily she doesn’t stick around long. It takes just one look at an adorable little face or two to send her back into her shell… until I lose my s%&@ again.

Do you have your own “Dragon Mama” moments? Tell us about them in the comments, so other Mamas know they’re not alone!

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